Drawing to See

I see drawing as storytelling about the landscapes,wildflowers, creatures and their habitats, a modern view of the British countryside.

Drawing on Dartmoor

Through quietly observing nature I view colours afresh and watch the relationships between plants and insects. I notice the tall grasses supporting the twining Vetch and the vibrance of the Birdsfoot Trefoil calling for pollinators in the heaviest of undergrowth.

My drawing experience is felt with scent and the sound of insect life, the vibrance of which I show though colour harmonies. Drawing in the elements helps me to feel the aliveness of the moment. Seeing wildflowers with their heads drooped from the weight of raindrops has a drama for me beyond the traditional still life of a vase of flowers.

When drawing I let myself be guided by my hand, by long looking, I play with shapes and natures rich colourways.


The Beauty of Winter

